Ted Bundy Arrives In Tallahassee, FL January 7, 1977

Published on 11 December 2022 at 08:13



Bundy arrived in Tallahassee by Trailways bus before sunrise on Jan. 7, 1978. A fugitive from Colorado, where he escaped while awaiting trial for the murder of a vacationing nurse, and from Utah, where he was convicted of kidnapping another young woman, he rented a room under the assumed name of Chris Hagen at The Oak, a rooming house at 409 W. College Ave, two blocks east of the FSU  campus .


   “I never knew when he was home because he was just so incredibly quiet,"


Tina Hopkins would later tell lawyers preparing for the Chi Omega murder trial.


"I never heard anything out of his room. He never had visitors."


Miss Hopkins, a Tallahassee Community College student, rented Room 14, two doors from the strange man she knew as Chris in Room 12 at the top of a dimly lit stairway. Several times, she recalled, he asked if she had a can opener. The few times she knocked on his door, to borrow matches, she found him alone the only light coming from a television in one corner of his room. The television, Bundy later would admit to police, was stolen. So were the portable Sony  radio and the Smith-Corona typewriter that one day turned up in Room 12. And the succession of small automobiles that Bundy drove around town a white Mazda, a green Toyota, a blue Volkswagen, an orange Volkswagen. , And so were the credit cards he used for the purchase of gas, meals, jogging shoes, bicycle accessories and other items during the five weeks he lived at The Oak.

  Miss Hopkins thought it "weird" how Bundy's appearance would seem to change almost from day to day. For a while he was clean-shaven, then he grew a slight mustache and beard. Sometimes his brown hair seemed curly, other times it-was slicked straight back. An apparent mole on his left cheek would "come back and disappear and come back and disappear."


The communal bathroom was at the far end of the hall. After seeing Bundy in the hallway one day, a friend asked Miss Hopkins:


     " Why does he carry a makeup kit?"


Bundy seemed always to be coming or going, especially in the evening or early morning hours. He jogged, rode a 10-speed bicycle, sometimes walked. He often wore an orange backpack.

  Miss Hopkins once noticed a board sticking out of it.

  “One day it was real strange," she said. “I came home and I walked up the stairs and he was just standing there kind of like in a daze, and I looked at him like he was going to ask me something. I guess I expected it because he was just standing there and goes, Do you have a can opener? Real kind of spacy sound, you know, weird. I said, 'No, I don't. You've asked me before.'


And he goes, 'Ahh’ and I started walking back to my room and he started following me in a way, you know?"


She quickly closed her door.


Source: “Tallahassee Democrat”- 5 August 1979



The Oak rooming house Bundy stayed at using the alias Chris Hagen.

Several of the male students in the house had seen him standing naked in the hall on more than one occasion, “...But I never saw him...” said Hopkins.


Source: “Tampa Bay Times” 18 February 1978

Rental agreement signed by Bundy as Chris Hagen

“...He was an eerie person,” recalls fellow roomer at The Oak Russell Gage.


“He wanted us to tell him everything, and he would tell us only what he wanted us to know.“



Source: “People Magazine” - January 7 1980


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