Bundy’s Civil Attorney Diana Weiner contacts FBI Agent Bill Hagmaier at Quantico as death draws ever closer!

Published on 18 January 2023 at 02:28

… He made himself their intimate phantom acquaintance before the
apotheosis of possession…



       Tuesday January 17 1989 :


With just a week before the imminent execution of her client Theodore Robert Bundy, Sarasota Civil Attorney Diana Weiner makes a phone call on Ted’s behalf to Agent Bill Hagmaier. 



“ She mentioned, that the governor had just signed off on the warrant and that Ted had requested she call me, that he wanted to speak to me and could I come down as soon as possible. I knew what was going on because Ted had always said, 'If it comes close and it looks like it's going to go, I'll get in touch with you. You'll be the one that  I call“




Hagmaier tells Weiner that he can't 
be a part of any deal-making on Ted's behalf.


    “She said that she was already aware of that. Ted had confided that to her, but Ted wanted me to be there anyway, to be present during  the law enforcement interviews.“


Diana Weiner, a Sarasota attorney who represented Bundy on civil matters, told police officials in the Western states that he might confess to crimes, but that it would take many days to extract all the information. She suggested that requests be made to Florida Gov. Bob Martinez to grant a stay of execution.

                    Source: Ancestry.  Com 


The morning of Friday January 20 shortly after 9 am , FBI agent Hagmaier arrives at the prison. He had taken a room at the Sea Turtle Motel in Jacksonville, where Bob Keppel also stayed to avoid reporters.


   “ Diana welcomed me, and thanked me for coming and explained to me what was going to transpire over the next couple of days. She was very formal and officious, saying that she was going to do the best for her client. She referred to herself as ‘Ms.Weiner'and Ted as 'Mr Bundy' and me as Mr Hagmaier. Then we went down and Ted said he wanted to speak with me alone… He broke into a big grin. We couldn't shake hands because this was a noncontact visit, but we pressed our hands up against the glass partition between us.  I said, 'This is it, isn't it?' He said. 'I don't know. but I think that it might be ' ‘Are you ready? This is no time to be cute.’ ‘I'm aware of that. I know what I have to do. I'm going to do the best that I can, but obviously I want to prolong my life…’ “


Ted and FBI agent William Hagmaier just days prior to execution 


Ted adds that he has two other objectives as well.He wants to give peace to his victims survivors, and he hopes for expiation from God.


   Hagmaier answers that everyone, including the  investigators, understands at least the first purpose Bundy has for confessing. At that point I think said, 'You have something in Idaho?'


      He said, 'What do you mean?'


“Well, I understand three people  are coming down from Idaho. You know,we're not going to be  playing games here. If we're gonna expect or hope for any type of consideration from the governor, the message that you do not want to send him is that you're going to play games with anybody.!


And he said, 'No, I've got two there. It's all right.'


“What about the others? “ I asked. He said, 'Well, Bob (King County Detective Robert Keppel) will be surprised…’




            Sunday 22 January:


Even though exhausted from his confessions with LE Ted doesn't forget Bill Hagmaier. After the other lawmen leave the prison that Sunday night, the FBI agent and the killer sit down for a two-hour discussion that continues on past midnight. Bundy allows parts of it to be tape-recorded. They talk about Ted's soul.


    “That's what he was concerned about. Would he have a chance of getting into Heaven, or would he have to go to Hell? He was crying at that point. In fact, he grabbed my arm and said, 'You have to help me ! You're my best friend!' ' He said, 'I'm not getting what I want out of this.' and he's pointing to his Bible. Well, what do you want from the Bible?

“ I want an inspiration. I want some direction.'


Ted reads the Bible which was given to him by his Grandparents as a teenager as he sits with Hagmaier praying. 


“ Ted. you know what the Bible is. You know what it represents. If you've really found Christianity, some of that has to come from within you. Bundy being Bundy, he is able to worry about damnation while at the same time he wants to revel in the details of the behavior he fears has imperiled his soul… He remembered our first first meeting, and went back over some of the things.“


                              He said :


       "Remember the fisherman?“

                      “ I said, Sure I do. “



“He said, 'Well, we're going under the water right now.'


  “ And he closed his eyes and folded his hands and said what it was like after striking the victim. To strangle them and hear the sounds that you would hear, feel the excessive and exorbitant breathing. To feel saliva and blood come onto your hands. And, of course, he would describe the sexual experience, as well. That was in what he called his prime… “



Bundy's ‘ prime,' as he tells Hagmaier in their late-night talk, was his second phase . At first he was an amateur, impulsive killer. The girl in Olympia, for example, was a whim murder committed with his bare hands. He wouldn't kill that way again, Ted says, ‘ until Florida.'


       His prime, which he also calls his  “predator" phase, is the second period, beginning about the time of Linda Healy's murder. Ted began seeking victims equal to his skills, women ‘worthy’ , is another of his terms, to be hunted. He gives Bill Hagmaier the definite impression that some of these women were thoroughly researched. Ted apparently stalked them for days or weeks, noted where they shopped for clothing, studied their habits like a private investigator doing divorce work. He made himself their intimate phantom acquaintance   before the apotheosis of possession.


  “My impression was that he got a high from violating their space. He didn't articulate this, but that maybe he'd even been in their places, maybe gone into their bedrooms. Like the girl (Cheryl Thomas ) who lived near Chi Omega. My impression was that he had been in her place that night before he went to Chi Omega, and then he came back and did her. “


    He played tricks on them too. Often too when a victim awoke from her first clubbing (and before she realized she was hand-cuffed), Bundy would pretend he was taking her to the hospital, telling the girl that someone else had attacked her and that he was just being a good samaritan.

      Good samaritanism. That was an instinct Ted counted on in his victims. He explains to Hagmaier that he knew girls from good families were taught to help others in trouble. The ruse with crutches and casts on his limbs Likewise took advantage of that. Likewise , properly raised teenagers respect authority.  Ergo, the police badge he flashed at Carol DaRonch and the ‘Richard Burton,' fireman, identification he showed Leslie Parmenter in Florida …




     … Hagmaier, alone with Ted in the isolated prison room, also quizzes the killer about recent stories that he might have murdered in the state of Vermont, as well as in southern New Jersey, Ted vigorously denies that he did. And what about eight-year-old Ann Marie Burr?  She disappeared from her parents house in Tacoma in August 1961, and Bundy, even though he was only fourteen at the time, keeps being mentioned as a suspect.     

       He has denied the killing to us (Authors ) to the Burr family, and, most recently, to Bob Keppel earlier in the evening.

  “Did you do it?" Hagmaier inquires.


       “No,“  Ted repeats,



The FBI agent believes him. Or at least doesn't disbelieve him. Bundy makes two requests of Hagmaier before they finish. The first is that his ‘best friend' one day explain it all to Carole (who hasn't called, Ted reports), and to Jamey and Louise and, later on, to his daughter Rosa. Hagmaier agrees to handle this unpleasantness for Ted.


Carole Ann Boone-Bundy, Ted and Rosa in happier times on a day visit at Raiford, Fla. 



The second request is that Bill try to attend his execution, which Bundy now feels is a certainty, so that he can find a friendly face in the crowd of law enforcement officials, state attorneys, and reporters. Hagmaier says that he will try …          

       Unfortunately Hagmaier was not allowed to attend !


   Source : “The Only Living Witness” by Michaud & Aynesworth .



Ted was executed at 7.16 am on 24 January 1989 the above mugshot was to be his last taken December 1988. 

Source: Sent upon request from Florida Dept Of Corrections 

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